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Supporting student success through whole school improvement programs and customised professional learning for educators.

AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination.

Advancement – All students have the opportunity to advance as individuals and collectively, academically and socially.

Via – How schools support students via implementing the AVID system.

Individual – Empowering all students with the understandings, skills and attitudes to succeed.

Determination – Instilling a growth mindset so that all students are resilient and persevere when faced with challenges.


We support school leadership to implement whole school improvement

We teach students to take ownership of their learning, resulting in academic and social growth

We show teachers how to engage students with high engagement teaching and learning strategies

NewsNew study highlights the benefits of AVID
February 7, 2023

New study highlights the benefits of AVID

In the study conducted across five AVID schools in the United States, researchers identified improvements in student wellbeing, school engagement and self-efficacy and were at lower risk of substance use.…
Group of students celebratingNewsEveryone is talking about The VU Rise Summer Gap Project
January 11, 2023

Everyone is talking about The VU Rise Summer Gap Project

ABC Radio Melbourne interviewed Amy Howard, AVID Australia's Projects and Administrative Coordinator and Summer Gap Project Manager, about the exciting initiative that is set to be available to schools across Australia…
NewsCelebrating a successful return to Summer Institute
December 22, 2022

Celebrating a successful return to Summer Institute

Following a three-year hiatus since the last Summer Institute in 2019, the AVID Australia team was thrilled to meet participants in person once again. For the first time in its…


AVID has been implemented in over 90 schools in Australia.

Over 50,000 students have been impacted by AVID programs.

Over 6000 teachers and school leaders have attended AVID professional learning events.


Visit Being an AVID School to discover what it means to join the AVID community or make an enquiry and an AVID Australia team member will contact you with more information.


A curated collation of publicly available and current online resources to support educators in facilitating student learning.


My team have started to make changes today. They were so pleased with the way the course was designed and delivered into small bite size pieces which scaffolded their learning and left them feeling empowered. Hard work and exciting times are ahead of us – bring it on!

Primary School PrincipalPerth Path 2020

Now that I’m with AVID I can go a lot further and achieve my dream to go to university...

Adrian, AVID student

During this professional learning the education discussion between me and my colleagues has increased exponentially. Even during our free-time/night time has been primarily about what we can do better in our schools to create better student outcomes… Education is looking bright in the hands of AVID trained teachers

Glendale TeacherSummer Institute 2019

All my feelings were that I was going to fail all my classes and that I wasn’t going to go far – then AVID came. Now, I want to finish Year 12...

Kate, AVID student

For so many years, I have attended this event and have felt inspired to do better, be better, teach better for the students in my care from fellow presenters. It was an absolute joy and pleasure to now be that person for others, facilitating a workshop I am passionate about, to inspire the development of future pathways of our students...

Teacher Workshop FacilitatorPerth Path 2020

AVID seems to flatten the hurdles for them [students] and has put them on another plane...


AVID is a system that longs to integrate with other systems that operate in a school to build consistency and coherence. AVID’s systemic approach to continuous improvement aligns classroom plans with the school plan, and ultimately the state or regional plan

High School PrincipalSummer Institute 2019

I enjoyed it and am grateful for the experience and opportunity to be here. The most rewarding professional learning I have done in a LONG time!

Secondary Imp ParticipantSummer Institute 2019

The best PL I have ever attended in my 10 years of teaching. Everything delivered is achievable and does not add work to the schedule, whereas everything else (non-AVID PL) does add. It has empowered me to make a difference for my students’ learning environment to create more student success in the classroom

Student Success ParticipantSummer Institute 2019

I have experienced a myriad of emotions as I listened to keynote & student speakers at opening ceremony. This training has re-invigorated me in terms of my practice, confirmed that I am already practicing many of these strategies and given me the confidence to not only try more strategies but also to show others how to use them in their classrooms

Maths 1 participantSummer Institute 2019


From the AVID program and AVID educators

2012 Principal of the Year
Shayne Player (NSW)

2020 Reimagine Education
K-12 Award – Shortlisted

36 School Nominations and Awards since 2018